Why SEO is important for business – Basics of SEO that applies to different digital channels

Why SEO is important

This is the first time I am talking about SEO on my blog Ahead with digital . Even though SEO is most often talked either in agencies or in selecting digital careers but in reality it is often ignored by businesses. So this post is for every business especially small businesses to know what is SEO and why SEO is important for business.

What is SEO?

Before jumping to full form or talking about why SEO is important for business, it is important to know what is SEO. Any platform online be it search engine or social media have algorithms that helps user rank or improve visibility by just organic means. By organic I mean non paid. So is SEO. The term is inspired from search engine but it is not just limited to it.

easy explanation of SEO
  • SEO is known as search engine optimization.
  • Any platform which is algorithm based have few factors as checklist which basis that checklist give more value to one competitor over other.
  • Let’s consider two brands A & B. They are competing to rank on algorithm C. So whosoever checks the maximum pointers on checklist will rank first.
  • Now this term(SEO) is used for Google and mostly restricted to search engine. But as mentioned earlier all algorithms on web have their own checklist so SEO applies to all the algorithm. One needs to follow checklist to rank well

Whenever I work with clients, I realize even though we have named everything different for each platform it will still be called as SEO. So, writing this post “Why SEO is important for business” to educate basics of SEO that applies to different digital channels

SEO in digital channels

Let’s see digital channels where basics of SEO applies

1. Website & Blogs

website SEO for business

As the term says Search engine optimization so optimizing the website for search engine is the most important thing. So crawlers basically search engine bots while crawling the website will carefully scrutinize your website and look how well website is optimized. SEO has 3 parts mainly

  • On page SEO

On page SEO refers to optimization that we do on our website. Search engine normally gives search results which are best for the users. So all the factors that are part of SEO optimization impacts readability and user experience. On page SEO includes meta tags, heading tags, image tags, canonical tags etc. Stay tuned to get details about on page SEO

  • Off Page SEO

Off page SEO includes activities that we do on third part website for back linking. Activities include article submissions, blog submissions, image submissions, link submissions, presentation/pdf submissions etc. Will soon share a post on effective off page strategies

  • Technical SEO

Technical SEO also has its own checklist. This include things which are done at the backend. There are tools to check overall health of the website. One needs to see if all the pages are getting crawled or not. Indexing of all the pages is also part of this. Other important things are page speed and mobile usability. Since most of the users now a days are using website from mobile it is important to have website optimization as per the mobile

2. Youtube

youtube SEO

Now Youtube channels are not just fad but full time job for many people. We all have immense ideas for our own Youtube channel. Many of us even start but seeing the results we left in between. This is a story of most people. Now, what can be done to ensure we get some significant results are Youtube SEO. Let’s see what steps are there to consider while uploading any videos

  • Check other top ranking videos – how they write intro & description for video
  • analyze keywords which are searched and include those in intro & description
  • Write a well optimized title for your video
  • Write a well optimized description for video

These things are basic but will help your video reach your target audience with any paid efforts

3. Ecommerce

Ecommerce SEO

Anyone of you if have tried selling on e-commerce platforms like Amazon, Flipkart, snapdeal, must be aware how great ROI these platforms can provide if you are using right strategy. In case you are planning to start e-commerce platform this blog post on How to sell products online is a must read for you.

Now let’s come to important part of this blog why SEO is important for business especially on e-commerce platform. If you will scrutinize e-commerce platforms, you will see a lot brands rank on top without even running sponsored ads. This is because there listing are so well optimized and detailed. Good listings have

  • Very well written Title
  • Description in pointer forms
  • A guide to use – Can be included in description or image
  • Images with size guide and various variants
  • Video

Above pointers are important not just for better ranking on ecommerce platforms but for better conversions as well. One needs to have proper information on listing so that users don’t bounce off without buying.

4. Third party listing portal

Third part includes just dial, zomato, or any other information sites. Although very few portals provide liberty to list on your own still they ask to share information. Hence, it becomes important to share all the relevant information that too in pointer format. All the above mentioned points in why SEO is important for business on e-commerce platform can be followed for third party listing portal as well.

Hope you like this blog post on why SEO is important for business. Stay tuned to grow your business digitally

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