Emily in Paris – Inspiration for Careers in Digital

emily in paris show on Netflix
Picture credits- Netflix

No doubt we all are amaze by TV series EMILY in PARIS on Netflix. Emily in Emily in Paris fulfils the dream of every person especially women in their twenties. Having a job as fancy as Emily and getting to work in France for a job are two things which people easily connected with and admired a lot in the series. When I started working in Digital, there was a different kind of obsession with Facebook. Having a position as Social Media Executive was a really cool thing as one could spend hours on social media as it was a part of job. Similar kind of obsessions I have seen in people after watching this show and towards career in Digital

What is Emily in Paris ?

Emily in Paris is a show on Netflix where a girl from Chicago gets an opportunity to move to France for a job. This series deals with how being social media manager she works with eminent brands and tells them the benefit of social media marketing. Beside the professional life, this show talks about her personal and love life. No doubt, all the elements have been beautifully showcased and hence, are worth to talk about.

Marketing Insights from two countries shown in Emily in Paris

  • Chicago, America where Emily is based is tech and innovation based country. More incline towards digital and its power
  • Unlike America, France is still just dependent on conventional marketing though truly believes that Human should work to live not live to work
  • America knows the combination of Offline + Digital whereas France is new in this. Therefore, this show introduces the same concept in eminent France originated brands.

What Job does Emily in Emily Paris has?

Her job as defined in the show is social media manager but it surely is amalgamation of various job profiles in Digital. Therefore, I have included this post as career in Digital. In this post I will write about specific roles in Digital which are being done by a single person in the show. Stay tuned to know profile wise job responsibilities.

This post on Emily in Paris – Career in digital aim to help you decide which digital job fits your interest and to give a general overview of how digital works(not everything falls under social media :))

5 Careers you can consider from Emily in Paris

Now let’s talk about careers in Digital. The careers in this show are broadly from two part – one is execution and second is strategizing. Now, let’s see which career falls under whom

Social Media Executive

Careers in digital - Social media executive from Emily in Paris
Picture Credits – Netflix

In case you are not aware about social media marketing, read this blog. Social media executive is a person who executes everything on social media handles for brand pages. If I have an agency and having A as a client. So for A, my agency will handle all social media accounts. In my team I will have social media executive who will be doing this handling part for me.

Responsibilities of social media executive

  • Be a part of social media strategy but mostly is execution
  • Handling of all social media accounts for brands like Facebook, Instagram, twitter, youtube etc
  • Working on Monthly calendar with teams and analyzing all the insights
  • Everything that happens on pages needs to be taken care of and escalated to respective teams

Social Media Strategist

Emily in Paris show on Netflix
PC- Netflix

Social Media strategist is someone who has a lot more experience than social media executive. Working with multiple brand across industries, social media strategist has invaluable insights. He/she knows what works and what doesn’t work for the brands and hence, decide the strategy.

All the successful campaigns on social media that have gone viral are thought by strategist and executed by social media executives. Some examples of great campaigns are

  • Propah Lady Campaign by Puma India
  • Swach Bharat Abhiyan
  • Digital India
  • Miracles campaign by Unicef

Above are just few examples. For every successful campaign or any campaign there is a whole team that works together.

Influencer Marketer

Influencer marketing
Picture Credits – Netflix

Do you remember the scene from Emily in Paris where Emily was invited as an influencer in an event. Yes, that is basically what Influencer does. Once we as common people gain significant followers and attraction on social media brand basis the budget can approach us for partnerships.

Now there is a person from Agency side who will look for most relevant influencer for your brand basis the budget and objective. They will share the list which Agency think is best. Once the influencer is finalized influencer marketer will be a link between brand and influencer and then can strategize how one can promote brand by doing partnership with influencers.

PR Strategist

Careers in Digital inspired from Emily in paris
Picture Credits – Netflix

Have you seen big mentions of companies or events which give a lot of attention to the brand ? A similar like one shown in Emily in Paris where Designer showed his new collection for youth outside the event with one mind blowing entry. YES, that is a part of PR. One good strategy for brand can be helpful in giving lot of footage and fame

Digital Strategist (offline + Online & Everything)

Careers in digital inspired from Emily in Paris
Picture Credits – Netflix

Digital strategist is a person who considers insights from everywhere be it offline online or even 360degree digital. Basis the Insights, one decides which medium & strategy can work for the brand and its audience. She/he will be the person who will know that the strategy that worked really well in clothing brand how well can be modified for perfume brand – Exactly the way Emily in Emily in Paris does

I found this show really inspiring for the youth as saw so many talking about the show and admiring Emily’s job. So thought of writing this post on career in digital. Hope you liked it 🙂 Stay tuned to know everything about digital

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