Host4Geeks Review 2020 – 10 Steps to analyze web hosting service

Host4Geeks Review 2020

If you are inspired by my blog post why blogging is important for your business then you must be on a hunt to the next step that is buying a domain name and web hosting service. When I was new in blogging I was alien to so many terminologies and surfed a plethora of web hosting websites to ensure if I was making the right decision. Through this post “Host4Geeks Review 2020 – 10 steps to analyze web hosting”, I would like to discuss all the pointers that you should consider while selecting a web hosting service

To help you decide how to select the web hosting service for your business, I have picked the web hosting provider Host4Geeks. If you are looking for a guide on how to create your own blog, read more here

I will list down the important pointers to consider while selecting Webhosting and would review Host4Geeks service provider for these pointers

10 Steps to analyse web hosting service

I have listed below main pointers to analyse web hosting service

1. Number of existing customers

One of the most important things while selecting any hosting service is the number of enrolled customers. So, before buying any service we need to pay heed to this important point. Even if you are going for new web-hosting providers, one should look for reviews

Now let’s check the same for Host4geeks

Trusted by 10,000 clients is a good indicator while selecting the web hosting service. There are various web hosting providers besides being new in the market have a significant customer base due to quality service, support, and competitive prices. Going for such providers is good for new digital businesses or small businesses as they offer great value at the best price. Host4Geeks is one of those

2. Because speed matters

There is no doubt that speed is one of the most important step to analyze web hosting service. It impacts bounce rate and user experience on the website. Even if we have heard that speed of website is dependent on the images and files we upload but there is another important point that plays a huge role that is server.

A good web hosting service will have server which are maintained 24*7. It is not good to listen “server is down” from any web hosting provider. Now let’s check the main pointers for Host4Geek

  • Non over loaded server
  • Latest grade hardware
  • 24*7 server monitoring
  • Advanced software

Above pointers indicate the host4geek as a reliable and trustworthy service

3. Fast & Reliable network

We can’t be just dependent on speed as network is equally vital in web hosting analysis

Let’s look at what host4geeks has for us to offer

  • Major tier 1 network providers
  • Multi homed – Important to provide networks in different locations
  • Redundant up streams – Bonus in times of any technical issues

4. Instant Support

When you are starting your blog, it is obvious to have lot of confusion and questions especially in terms of technical terms. When website offers multiple services and combo pack, one can scratch their head thinking of services which are mandatory or which are optional.

One solution for this is support from your hosting provider. This is the most important point while selecting your web hosting and trust me after working on various websites and having a blog, I always prefer hosting from a service provider which can offer instant support to me

This one additional pointer from Host4Geeks make this service provider a good option

5. Free Migrations

When it comes to buying hosting, there are not just people who buy new hosting but some who wants to migrate their current hosting to new hosting service providers

Following can be the reasons when people look for migration

  • Low pricing
  • Better support
  • Up gradation in plan – Competitors are providing the same plan in lower prices
  • Want to shift hosting to domain provider

There are few providers who offer free migration and support to migration

Know 10 steps to analze web hosting

While checking the Host4Geeks, we found the same service on the website which opens options not just for new comers on the website but for existing website owners too

6. Free Backup & Restores

You know one of the best thing about having everything on cloud is easy access from anywhere anytime. Consider an example, I am writing this post and due to some work I have to take a pause. Now, I want to access this file from another laptop and another place. This is possible because I have free backup and restores on clouds. Everything is auto saved and just make things simpler

Let’s see Host4Geeks now, since this offers the same backup & restore one can consider it a good option for web hosting

7. Free SSL Certificate

The most essential thing for your website is to have https domain. Thanks to the competitive market, web hosting some service providers these days have started providing free SSL certificate. It is really a very big thing for start ups and new digital businesses as in the same hosting budget , we are getting SSL certificate as well.

Host4Geeks Review 2020 – This web hosting provider offers the free SSL certificate so can be considered a good option for web hosting

8. Choose hosting – Basis your requirement

types of web hosting - 10 steps to analyze
 web hosting
  • C panel shared

This web hosting is recommended for individuals, small companies & bloggers. Everything is provided as per the requirements of individual so need not to worry. This is the most affordable and go to option for people who are just starting with website/blogging & individuals who are in small business

  • C panel Reseller

This option is best suited for someone who have to handle multiple website from their end. Mostly recommended to web designers, agencies & big companies who have various sites as part of their own website

  • Managed VPS

This is recommended to people who want complete control at their end from a server to monitoring. Mostly e-commerce and really huge business go for Managed VPS. You can also check managed cPanel VPS plan from Host4Geeks

Below are pricing options from Host4Geeks.

Offer on web hosting
offer on web hosting

Great news for readers! We have some amazing coupons for you from Host4Geeks – Steps to analyze wen hosting service

  • 50% OFF On Managed VPS Hosting on first month – Coupon 50NOW
  • 50% Discount on Dedicated Servers for first month – Coupon 50NOW
  • 15% OFF on Shared on first invoice regardless of billing – Coupon FAST15
  • 15% OFF on Reseller on first invoice regardless of billing – Coupon FAST15
  • 15% OFF on Semi- Dedicated first invoice regardless of billing – Coupon FAST15

9. No hidden charges

You know how trust is build digitally when somebody gets the service that is claimed on the website. So, having the same price as visible on the website while checking out is really important.

Host4Geeks claims the same so check their website for comparison from others. Visit here now

10. DDoS protection

This is important to secure website from all the attacks so look for this option whenever you are selecting any web hosting service provider

Host4Geeks offers the same kind of protection to your website

Host4geeks comparison with other web hosting service provider

I hope these above steps help you to analyze web hosting service. Select the best for yourself and your business and in case you want to go for Host4Geeks don’t forget to use above coupons.

Wish you great success to your business

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