How to create Google People Card for your Business – Add me to Google

Innovation - Google People Card

A new opportunity is at your door! The new update form Google – Google people card can be a wonderful opportunity for business owners. The visiting cards have always been a fad but the upcoming of google virtual card (digital cards)will be a huge add on to digital businesses and your identity. This post Add me to Google – How to create Google People card for your business is specially created for people who

  • Own any business
  • Have a small business
  • Are professionals like Lawyer, CA, CFA, CS or professional in any domain
  • Others

What is Google People Card?

A new feature from Google that is Google people card is a vitrtual business card that can be used by small businesses, freelancers, professionals and others to describe details about themselves. It will come up on the Google if somebody searches for your name on Google.

Current results on Google when somebody searches for your name?

Before the coming of these cards, when somebody searches for your name you get Linkedin profiles with the same names or people who are quite famous occupies the topmost search results. All the information that gets showcased is random and picked from random sites or social media profiles


Google Results after the launch of Google People Card

Rather than having the information in bits & pieces, we can have all the information at one place that is on our Google people card. It can have complete details and links of our profiles to help our audience access everything from a single place.

How to create Google People Card?

Before starting with How to create Google people card, I hope you are convinced with changes expected in search results post the launch of this feature from Google in India

Following are the steps to create Google people card

  • Sign in to Google account – It is preferable to have a business Id signed it which you want to be on your business card. Since this is a new feature it is currently available for mobiles and devices which are using English as a language for google search
  • Go to or Google on your google search app
  • Search for your name in the search box- It is advisable to search for your full name. For people, having a common name it can give old results since this feature is recently launched. So, try for below step instead
  • You can also search for Add me to google or Edit my profile card.
  • Once you have typed Add me to Google you will find the following result
How to create Google people card
  • Click on Get started in yellow marked section. You will get the following page
How to create google people card
  • Now fill the basic details such as name, location & about us. Click on change Avatar to get your image updated
  • Fill the rest of the information carefully. Points are mentioned below for your understanding
  • Once you are done with filling all the information. You can click on preview and check how your Google people card looks
  • After this step, you can publish your card
  • Congrats! For your virtual business card. Hope this can take your business to new heights 🙂

Benefits of Google People Card for Individuals & Businesses

We have learned everything on digital from creating an online business to promoting our businesses online. But what we were lacking was a unique identity or description of our businesses. LinkedIn is definitely a huge professional platform but it hasn’t attracted too many small businesses or entrepreneurs. Also, having a profile on Linkedin & being active are two different things. I agree, this is too early to decide on all the benefits of Google people card but some explicit ones are listed below

Online business Card – One place for all information

I have often observed people sharing different links on WhatsApp, messages, mails so that audience can connect with them. But the problem here is, nobody can gain significant information from these links. For example, your LinkedIn can give a different kind of information while your Instagram profile is better for brand establishment & promotion. Having a virtual business card can help you share a summary of you & your business profile.

Sharing one card is enough

When it comes to collaboration, winning new leads or prospects, the Google People card can be really helpful. No one at higher management has time to read abundant information so a summary for them can save wastage of time for everyone. These virtual cards from Google can be a great way to show referrals to other people in any network. These cards can be a great help for professional such as Chartered Accountants, Company secretaries who often look for leads to win new clients

Time for revamping your Email Signature

With the advent of Google People cards, people can simply add cards in the signature as these will give complete details rather than just designation. This can also be helpful while pitching to the clients

About us will be more interesting

It will be really great if people can link their Google people card with their website. People can simply know about the team/management details on the website and for complete details, these virtual cards can be viewed

Integrate your details with Social Media Channels

Google People card can be summarised into Information + all social media links. No channel till date has been successful in integrating all social media channels into one place except for the website. Since the website has its own purpose sharing the whole website doesn’t seem appropriate in many situations. So. Google People card can play a good role in such situations

First mover advantage

Since Google people card is a recently launched platform, it is not clear how people will be distinguished with similar names. So for all of you who can get created their Google people card first, I am hoping you all get first-mover advantage.

Way ahead for this new feature from Google

Withing few months we will have more clarity on some questions like

  • How the search results will vary for people with same names
  • Desktop versions visibility
  • Sharing options or download feature?

If the above features are included in Google People Card, there is no doubt this new feature can give a new angle to business promotion

Ahead with digital wants to see businesses grow and hence, shares new innovations with you the moment they are launched.
Do read about other innovations that have been covered in earlier posts
How to use Instagram reels for promotion
Instagram name change prank – An opportunity for small businesses

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